Dr. Brandon Scroggins
It’s a joy to welcome you to Reformation Baptist Church. As a sinner saved by grace alone, I am so grateful to the Lord Jesus who redeemed me! I have been a child of God since the Lord called me to Himself in the Fall of 1999- and He did that through the Gospel, through a local church, and through the influence of my parents and friends who shared Christ with me.
I am privileged to be the husband to Kristy and father to Harlee, Micah, Owen, Titus, and Jude. I am from the local area and have been in vocational ministry since 2005. I am also a graduate of Auburn University in Montgomery (B.S. in Psychology), New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div.), and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (D.Ed.Min.).
I enjoy leading my family, serving the local church, reading and writing, training in Taekwondo, running, traveling, outdoors, and engaging with various activities with my wife and children.
I deeply desire to see God’s people increasingly conformed to Christ and to see God’s glory proclaimed among the world through the local church- from our neighbors to every generation and nation.
We hold firmly to the sufficiency of Scripture for all of life, the centrality of expositional preaching, the Solas of the Reformation (Christ alone, grace alone, faith alone, Scripture alone, God's glory alone), the key tenets of Reformed Baptist theology and worship, and the importance of practicing the "one anothers" and continuing in our mission through the context of the local church (Matt 28:16-20). We believe that God has given three distinct jurisdictions of authority and responsibility in which we are to be faithful: the family, the church, and the civil magistrate/society.
May the Lord yet again bring revival and
reformation- "After Darkness, Light."
It’s an honor to pastor Reformation Baptist
Church and to serve you in any way that we
can. Feel free to contact me if we can serve
you or help point you to Christ in any
particular way!